L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif

L’École branchée is surveying parents to find out about their challenges in the age of distance learning

École branchée, in partnership with the English Parents' Committee Association (EPCA) and, Fédération des comités de parents du Québec (FCPQ) is launching a survey to learn more about parents' concerns in regards to distance learning.

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(Press Release) QUÉBEC CITY, November 3, 2020 – L’École branchée, in partnership with the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) and Fédération des comités de parents du Québec (FCPQ) is launching a survey today for Québec parents.

In a constantly changing environment, many parents need to support their child(ren) with distance learning. L’École branchée and its partners want to learn more about what concerns parents have and the resources parents need to meet the current challenges. Parents are invited to complete a short survey by November 11 :

Understanding technological tools, communicating with teachers, supporting a child with their digital usage, guiding them through their learning, maintaining motivation and promoting perseverance with studies are all subjects being analyzed by the École branchée editorial team. In order to better support parents in their roles, the survey’s responses will be used to spur related content in a future issue of the magazine.

“Over the past few months, distance learning has taken off at high speed in Québec, and continues for a large number of students. Plus, screens have never taken up so much space in our lives. This context can certainly shake up family habits and create new challenges to deal with in everyday life at home. We want to ensure that our next special issue will meet parents’ needs and expectations as best possible,” said Martine Rioux, Editor-in-Chief of École branchée magazine – Special Family Edition. This special issue will be available free of charge in a digital format, in both English and French.

“I am happy to be working with EPCA and École Branchée, two important partner organizations, on this project aimed at helping parents with their digital activities. With this project and our Action Parents magazine dedicated to the digital shift, which will be available free of charge on November 4 th , the FCPQ continues to support parents in their realities”, says FCPQ President Kévin Roy.

“This collaboration is timely and we are so excited to be working on this project with our partners for the benefit of ALL parents!”, said EPCA President Katherine Korakakis.

Reminder that the first edition of the École branchée magazine – Special Family Edition “Co-educating in the digital age” was published last winter with financial support from the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. It is available free in digital format on the site: (French only)

About l’École branchée

L’École branchée is a non-profit media organization that informs, educates and equips school stakeholders to help them meet the challenges of teaching in the 21st century. Its main fields of action are at the level of professional development, digital competence and media education. École branchée sur la famille (French only) is a joint project carried out with specialists in family coaching, tutoring and home-based teaching.

About the Fédération des comités de parents du Québec (FCPQ)

For more than 45 years, the Fédération des comités de parents du Québec has united parents’ committees of Quebec school service centers and supports volunteer parents concerned about parental participation in public elementary and secondary schools in order to ensure the quality of the education offered to children.

About the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA)

The English Parents’ Committee Association represents eight Quebec English-language school boards. With a team of Directors chosen by member Parent Committees, it is the official voice of Quebec’s English public school parent community, representing over 100,000 students. Speaking with one voice for parents and their children, EPCA represents parent interests in all dealings with the Ministère de l’Éducation (ME) and across all levels of government. By providing the tools and information parents need to serve and represent their communities, EPCA is a singular reference point for English parent governance.

Version française de ce communiqué aussi disponible

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