L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif

Personal Development

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  Key issues in Quebec’s provincial election

On October 3, 2022, Quebec voters will be called upon to choose their next government and renew the 125 seats in the National Assembly. What are the key issues in this election? What strategies do the major political parties use to win over voters?

Ce contenu est réservé aux personnes ainsi qu'au personnel des institutions abonnées.

  A Meeting With… Samian

This guide in the "A Meeting With...." series provides resources and activity ideas for learning about important people. Today we're looking at Samian an artist member of the Abitibiwinni First Nation who promote the beauty of his culture.

COVID-19 in Plain Language: Why Is it So Important to Wash Our Hands?

As part of a series of SCOOP! on COVID-19, today we address the importance of washing our hands. What is all the fuss surrounding hand-washing anyway? We hear everywhere that it is of the upmost importance to wash our hands, and particularly with the pandemic of COVID-19. Do you think you can fall ill by shaking someone’s hand or by touching a door handle? Do you know how to wash your hand efficiently? And how often? SCOOP! has the answers for you.

  In March, Let’s Talk Nutrition!

The month of March is the perfect opportunity to learn about the benefits of healthy eating. In fact, dieticians of Canada are the true nutrition specialists. They have created many tools and initiatives to support and promote the importance and benefits of healthy eating and they are sharing a few with us.

The Ins and Outs of the Coronavirus COVID-19 

Last December, in the city of Wuhan, China, a virus usually linked to animals was transmitted to a human for the first time. The coronavirus COVID-19 comes from the same family of viruses that usually affects the respiratory tract. It is in the same family as the common cold, the flu, and other more serious respiratory illnesses. When humans are infected with COVID-19, they experience symptoms such as fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing similar to pneumonia.

  Bushfires in Australia : an Unprecedented Nightmare

In 2019 and 2020, the south of Australia faced wildfires that destroyed everything on their paths. Between September 2019 and January 11, 2020, 28 people have died in those fires and many more have gone missing. According to a study by the University of Sydney, 480 million animals have also perished in these fires.

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