L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif

Cool tools that teachers can use to keep students engaged

Some cool tools to help keep kids engaged and entertained.

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By Patrick Bailey, a professional writer mainly in the fields of mental health.

Teachers are an instrumental part of our society, and the job by itself is enough of a challenge. Never mind that there’s a global pandemic going on at the moment. Therefore, if teachers can get some cool tools to help keep kids engaged and entertained, everyone will benefit. Teachers use tools for different reasons including, but not limited to:

  • Organization and preparation of lessons
  • Interactions
  • Recordings

Schoolwork App

The Schoolwork app supports teachers and students in using the creative possibilities of the iPad more effectively. It makes it easy to collaborate with individual students from anywhere in real time. This app also helps students stay engaged. Here are some other benefits:

  • Easily share content with students
  • Use the possibilities of apps
  • See student progress
  • Adapt lessons to the needs of students
  • Collaborate and give direct feedback

Brush Ninja

Brush Ninja is a free tool for creating hand-drawn animation. As in a flipbook, you draw individual images that are then played back in quick succession. The tool is well suited for classroom use as there is no registration and no advertising windows. Teachers can use it in lesson plans, or students can use it for presentations.

Cartoon Maker

Cartoon Maker is a tool students can use to tell their own stories in the form of comics. Since it is very easy to use, it is also possible for younger students to get started quickly.

Answer Garden

Answer Garden is the ideal web tool for quickly collecting short answers, ideas, and feedback from students. The entered terms are displayed in real-time in the form of a word cloud. The service is free and does not require registration.

The Akinator

The Akinator is a “mind reader” — just think of a certain real or fictional figure, an object, or an animal and answer a few questions, and the program will find out who you were thinking of. It can prove a fun little brain teaser since you need to know details of the item or individual you’re asking Akinator to guess..


With Feedbackr, your students can use their smartphones effectively in class. The tool enables you to ask questions of your students online during class and receive automatic feedback.


GeoGuessr is a free geography quiz for discovering and recognizing geographic features. Using a random generator, the user is “exposed” anywhere in the world and is now supposed to find out where they are.


A glog is like a poster, only much better! It is an electronic online poster in which you can integrate images, photographs (also with your own webcam), graphics, videos, podcasts, texts and hyperlinks, like a collage.

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