L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif

A whole issue about the state of research in educational technology

(V2-1) When Digital Supports Educational Practices

Volume 2, issue 1 - Fall 2022

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From the Editor's Desk

Spotlight on Research

There has never been so much talk about educational research and the importance of enhancing experiential knowledge by using evidence to guide educational practices and evaluate the effectiveness of certain interventions.

Educational research is based on something that must not be overlooked: the complexity of the situations and subjects studied and their contexts. Humans also have emotions and socio-economic factors that are constantly changing. It is therefore generally very complex (sometimes impossible) to generalize research results. After all, we are far from the test tubes in the chemistry laboratories! Nevertheless, it is possible to identify broad trends. It is also important to know how to interpret research results with nuances in order to draw inspiration from them. Indeed, results most often reflect a picture captured at a given moment in a given situation.

Rather than trying to determine what would be applicable in any situation, would it be better to aim for what is appropriate in a certain context? This is at least the idea put forward by researcher Sophie Maunier (see article on page 5).

For this issue, EngagEd Learning has launched a call to research teams (particularly in educational technology) so that they can share and highlight recent findings where learning is supported by the use of digital tools. The goal is to inspire the community, create opportunities, and reach as many teachers, educational consultants and school administrators as possible.

The quantity and diversity of the themes proposed to us are impressive: concrete projects with students, the development of a sense of personal effectiveness, the mobilization of digital technology from the initial training stage, peer feedback, the integration within subject areas, etc.

We invite you to discover this new frontier, which deserves to go beyond the walls of university to stoke the reflections of teams in the field and, perhaps to carve out a place for itself in the sector.

And since we could not publish all the contributions in these pages, make sure you read even more articles here on our website!

Audrey Miller, Editor-in-Chief

Martine Rioux, Managing Editor

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September 2022 – Volume 2, issue 1

France Boisjoly, Lorenzo Cecutti, Jonathan Chevrier, Alexandra Coutlée, Laurie Couture, Jocelyn Dagenais, Ann-Louise Davidson, Nathalie De La Haye Duponsel, Isabelle Desbiens, Maude Gamache, Pascal Gauthier, Andréa Gicquel, Patrick Giroux, Pascal Grégoire, Lucas Johnson, Catherine Lacelle, Thérèse Laferrière, Spike W.S. Lee, Danielle Maltais, Jean-François Mercure, Audrey Miller, Sophie Nadeau-Tremblay, Caroline Naud, Isabelle Paradis, Guillaume Paré, Séverine Parent, Eve Pouliot, Loïc Pulido, Martine Rioux, Michelle Schira Hagerman, Eric Sheninger, Ann-Sophie Simard, Mathieu Thibault, Mélanie Tremblay

Audrey Miller

Managing Editor
Martine Rioux

Editorial Assistant
Karla Mora

Development Director
Stéphanie Dionne

Linguistic Revision
Tracey-Lee Batsford, Alexandra Coutlée

Tracey-Lee Batsford, Josée Tardif, Audrey Miller, Alexandra Coutlée

Additional Proofreading
Jason Belzile, Laurie Couture, Karla Mora, Karine Turcotte

Graphic Design
Marie-Michèle Bouchard-Roussin
Kate-Lyn Lapointe (EMBLÈME Communication)

Solisco Numerix


Legal Deposit 3rd trimester 2022
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Library and Archives Canada
ISSN 2564-2510 (Print)
ISSN 2564-2529 (Online)

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In this issue - Fall 2022

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EngagED Learning Magazine

SCOOP! / by L'École branchée

 Reconciling Teaching Practice with Evidence-based Data

Educational research is a very dynamic field. A lot of action research and increasingly more collaborative research (which means that classrooms are welcoming research teams) is occurring everywhere. However, the results do not often leave the inside of the walls of universities and research centres so that it can be applied in schools. This is not because of lack of interest in doing so, but mostly because there is a reluctance and a fear of dogmatism.

 “Augmented” Peer Feedback for Learning Purposes

The PÉRISCOPE network, which has been holding panels about the inequalities and inequities exacerbated by Covid-19 since the spring of 2020, is interested in peer feedback as a promising course of action. Feedback is provided when one person provides information to another to help them better understand, behave better, or progress in an activity. What we mean here by “augmented feedback”, is feedback given verbally or in writing, supported by a digital tool during a learning and evaluation situation (LES).

 How Can Teachers and Parents Promote Students’ Digital Literacy Skills?

Teachers and parents play a crucial role in helping young people to develop the foundational digital skills and social practices that enable them to become critical readers, writers, and participants in a complex world where digital technologies shape how we think, understand and interact. Here are three strategies that teachers and parents can use to support digital literacies learning.

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 “Projet Premiers Peuples” : A realistic, multidisciplinary … and digital initiative!

Reconciling multidisciplinary learning and the integration of digital productions in partnership with pre-service teachers, is what sixth-grade elementary school teacher Jean-François Mercure and Professor Séverine Parent accomplished during the winter of 2022.

 Investing in Technologies for Student Learning: 4 Principles School Boards and Parents Should Consider

Technology, in its many forms, has been present in the classroom since the introduction of the blackboard, followed decades later by the overhead projector. Now, in our digital age, classroom environments can always be connected to the Internet, and educators need to make choices about both hardware and software.

 Recording Students as They Read and Sharing It for Advice and Feedback: An Approach That Improves Reading Fluency

Reading fluently is being able to accurately identify written words with precision, without using too many cognitive resources, and by understanding the tone in a manner to build a solid comprehension of the text. Reading fluently is one of the key dimensions of learning to read with success.

 Your Smartphone Is Not Making You Dumber — Digital Tech Can Enhance Your Cognitive Abilities

Digital technology is ubiquitous. We have been increasingly reliant on smartphones, tablets and computers over the past 20 years, and this trend has been accelerating due to the pandemic. Conventional wisdom tells us that over-reliance on technology may take away from our ability to remember, pay attention and exercise self-control. Indeed, these are important cognitive skills. However, fears that technology would supplant cognition may not be well founded.

 Moving Beyond SAMR with the Rigor Relevance Framework

While there are many frameworks to choose from when it comes to the effective integration of technology, the SAMR Model is typically the one that most people and schools leverage. It emphasizes on what NOT to do with tech. Another interesting model to know is the Rigor Relevance Framework, developed by the International Center for Leadership in Education. It puts an emphasis on what the learner is doing. While there isn’t a seamless alignment, Eric Sheninger attempted to connect them both.

 Supporting Teachers Who Make in Schools and How to Evaluate Learning from Making

Education systems around the world are encouraging their schools to develop maker programs to enhance learning and skill development that prepares students for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Through maker education, students develop a plethora of skills and STEAM concepts. Ensuring that maker experiences live up to their potential can be difficult, however, as assessing student learning through maker projects and getting all stakeholders in education at the local and regional level on board can be challenging. In our study, we spoke to more than 30 experts in making and education.

 Leveraging Digital Tools for Initial Training : Beyond the blue bird

Better student engagement during learning is an essential condition for developing skills. It is with this premise in mind that three projects mobilizing different parts of the Digital Competency Framework were introduced to the students participating in a course during the winter of 2022 as part of the Bachelor's degree in sports activity and the Bachelor's degree in physical education and health education at Université Laval.

 Revising and Correcting a Text at School in a Digital World: Approaches That Still Need Some Exploration

In the État des lieux de l’enseignement du français (ELEF) survey, Lord and Chartrand (2010) reported that only 14% of teachers get students to use word processors for their writing often or very often, “more so to compile texts than to correct them”. Although ELEF data is revealing, it describes a situation that prevailed more than a decade ago. Have digital writing practices changed since then, particularly in the wake of the Plan d’action numérique (MEES, 2018)?

 Three Teaching Issues Stemming from the Use of Technological Tools

Integrating technological tools into a teaching approach is relevant when achieved in appropriate conditions. Here are some avenues that can serve as a basis to analyze their benefits and limits.

 Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Developing Digital Efficacy

Teams. Zoom. Hybrid teaching. Asynchronous educational activities. Before March 12, 2020, these words were not part of the daily lives of the majority of elementary and secondary teachers, but COVID-19 has helped to make them of interest. The emergency shift to digital technologies disrupted the school’s activities; however, it also provided an unprecedented opportunity to promote their use in teaching and learning.

 4 Ways to Integrate Digital Technology in English Classes

It is not uncommon to sense some hesitation when we mention that it is possible to integrate digital technology into Language Arts or English as a second language. Various online resources can be allies in the English class. It is important to remember that it is the pedagogical intention that guides the choice of tools, not the opposite. Regardless of the level of students or tools available, technology can be a great addition to teaching strategies.

 4 Ways to Use Technology in Math Class

The nature of the tasks presented to students has an impact on the way in which they will perceive mathematics. Can technology have a role to play? Absolutely! Mostly, it is about having a clear intention. Let’s take a closer look.

 Technology that Can Help —and Is Supported by Research!

Technology can be powerful and can be used to do great things … and some not-so-great things. I am very aware that there are issues that can come up with technology usage and that we need to educate ourselves and our students. I can’t help but be in awe of what we can accomplish with it. That’s why, in my articles, I’d like to introduce you to tools, resources and technology initiatives that have a positive impact!

 Our Favourites

Discover or re-discover various apps and sites ideas!

 The Final Note : What Does Research Say About Best Practices?

Technology tools are destined to stay in classrooms for the foreseeable future. This is why it is important to continue to understand their strengths, their potential, and their weaknesses, which is far from easy given the variety of applications and the experiences of the people involved.

Web Exclusive Articles – EngagED Learning magazine Vol. 2 no 1 (Fall 2022)

This document contains links to web-exclusive articles to complement the Fall 2022 issue of EngagED Learning Magazine, Vol. 2 No. 1.

 Additional References – EngagED Learning magazine, Vol. 2 issue 1 (Fall 2022)

Additional References from EngagED Learning magazine, Volume 2 issue 1 (Fall 2022)

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The professional magazine for teaching in the digital age!

EngagED Learning magazine is made for teachers, pedagogical consultants and school leaders. There are 3 new issues per year, available in both print and digital format. You can subscribe for yourself or take advantage of our school license!