L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif

An issue about efficient teaching practices

(V3-1) Teaching and Learning More Effectively...Mission Possible!

Volume 3, issue 1 - Fall 2023

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From the Editor's Desk

There Is No Miracle Recipe...but Certain Ingredients Are Essential

Teaching is fundamentally a human act. It can be influenced by a multitude of elements related to people, their state of mind, the environment in which they find themselves, the time of day, etc. The act of teaching is also unique in that it helps young and old alike to develop knowledge and skills, become well-rounded individuals and take their place in society.

Each teacher fashions their own style and has great power to influence students, both as a cultural transmitters and role models as human beings. Nevertheless, teaching is far from being an improvisation. Over the years, research in cognitive psychology on the brain and learning, as well as on teaching and learning practices, has provided a solid foundation for this profession, identifying the main principles of “effective” teaching. These principles, whose impact on facilitating knowledge acquisition, skills development, and learner progress has been directly measured by research, become essential ingredients to be generously sprinkled into practice.

However, research methodology is not always enough to define a practice that will prove effective in every situation. “The transition from research to practice, from the laboratory to the classroom, is key to the successful integration of new pedagogical practices,” wrote Sylvain Wagnon, a professor in the Faculty of Education, and Sihame Chkair, a doctoral student in educational sciences at the Université de Montpellier, in France, in The Conversation.

Teachers need to have the opportunity to become familiar with research- documented practices and to choose those to implement in the classroom, when the context is appropriate. These so-called effective practices eventually prove themselves in certain settings and become embedded in actual teaching practices.

In this issue, we open our pages to teachers, educational consultants and other education specialists who share their experiences with practices recognized for their effectiveness. Whether it's classroom management, feedback, teaching methods, student learning approaches, or even school leadership, we explore various areas.

There is no perfect recipe in education because every situation and every person is unique. There are, however, certain ingredients that can help create a classroom climate conducive to learning. We hope you'll be able to find some that meet the needs of your students!

Martine Rioux, Managing Editor

Audrey Miller, Editor-in-Chief

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September 2023 – Volume 3, issue 1

Michael Canuel, Isabelle Carignan, Alexandra Coutlée, Laurie Couture Sylvain Desautels, Stéphanie Dionne Sébastien Gallant, Audrey Miller, Matt Miller, France Legault, Stéphanie Lemieux, Philippe Longchamps, Véronique Payeur, Martine Rioux

Audrey Miller

Managing Editor
Martine Rioux

Editorial Assistant
Karla Mora

Development Director
Stéphanie Dionne

Linguistic Revision
Tracey-Lee Batsford

Nicole Arsenault, Tracey-Lee Batsford, Alexandra Coutlée, Audrey Miller

Additional Proofreading
Nicole Arsenault, Tracey-Lee Batsford, Alexandra Coutlée, Audrey Miller, Karla Mora

Graphic Design
Marie-Michèle Bouchard-Roussin
Kate-Lyn Lapointe (EMBLÈME Communication)



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Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Library and Archives Canada
ISSN 2564-2510 (Print)
ISSN 2564-2529 (Online)

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In this issue - Fall 2023

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 10 Strategies for Effective Teaching

Current research highlights strategies for effective teaching. This article suggest 10 interesting strategies for improving classroom learning, such as daily review, fragmented content, frequent questions, models, guiding practice, checking understanding, high success rates, scaffolding, independent practice and spaced retrieval.

 Teaching Reading Strategies to Adapt to the Needs of Today’s Students

Language teachers are important for teaching literacy, but literacy is equally valuable in all subjects. Common strategies make learning meaningful, from basic literacy to disciplinary literacy. We'll look at effective strategies for teaching them.

 10 Ways to Improve Students’ Long-term Learning

Discover the power of retrieval as a learning strategy. This article explores various techniques, such as brain dumps, self-testing, and guided conversation, to boost long-term learning and retention.

EngagED Learning Magazine

SCOOP! / by L'École branchée

 4 Effective Learning and Classroom Management Strategies That Work

Discover the teacher's powerful influence on student learning and explore strategies that can have a positive impact, according to educational research.

 7 Neuroscientific Principles for Better Learning

In this article, we present 7 Neuroscientific Principles for Better Learning.

 Plan, Interact and Consolidate: An Effective Method to Promote Learning for All Students

Discover explicit teaching, a pedagogical approach based on cognitive psychology, which maximizes learning time and promotes success for all students, including those in difficulty. A practice to be integrated into our classrooms.

 At the Montessori School of Lund, Sweden: An Effective Transdisciplinary Pedagogy that Combines Innovative and Traditional Approaches

Discover the innovative and effective learning methods used by the teaching team at the Montessori bilingual school in Lund, Sweden. A holistic approach that fosters creativity, problem-solving and the development of critical thinking skills. Not to be missed!

 Doing it Right in the Online Classroom

Unleashing the potential of online education requires effective pedagogy and engagement. This article discusses the advantages, challenges, and opportunities of online learning and emphasizes the importance of fostering cognitive and affective engagement for optimal learning outcomes.

 4 Ways to Integrate Technology into a High School Science Class

Discover how to integrate digital technology into high school science lessons: organize, synthesize, illustrate, capture, analyze, understand, record, create games to review or discover new concepts.

 4 Ways to Integrate Technology into an Elementary Music Class

Discover the many ways in which music and technology can be integrated into learning. The possibilities are endless. How far will you go in this digital adventure?

 Dashboards, Data and Human Beings: A Winning Equation

Discover how technological tools can transform your teaching, whether it's allowing you to take the pulse of your class and adjust your course to your students' individual needs.

 Our Favourites

In each issue of the magazine, we bring you a selection of sites and applications to discover! Discover our Fall 2023 selection!

 What Is Effective School Leadership?

Discover Michael Fullan's keys to effective leadership: mind work, contextual literacy and teamwork. Learn how to bring about lasting change in schools.

 Additional References – EngagED Learning magazine, Vol. 3 issue 1 (Fall 2023)

Additional References - EngagED Learning magazine, Vol. 3 issue 1 (Fall 2023)

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The professional magazine for teaching in the digital age!

EngagED Learning magazine is made for teachers, pedagogical consultants and school leaders. There are 3 new issues per year, available in both print and digital format. You can subscribe for yourself or take advantage of our school license!