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Teaching the Development of Social and Emotional Competencies – Hiver 2021 (V1N2) en anglais

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Teaching the Development of Social and Emotional Competencies
Voici l’édition d’hiver 2021-2022 du magazine EngagED Learning!

1re année, numéro 2.
(Aussi en français)

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Teaching the Development of Social and Emotional Competencies

Voici l’édition d’hiver 2021-2022 du magazine EngagED Learning!

1re année, numéro 2.
32 pages couleurs, plus couverts


  • What Are Social and Emotional Competencies?
  • Support the Social-Emotional Learning of Elementary School Students: Are School Staff Well-Prepared?
  • The (not-so) Secret Life of Emotions at School
  • Optimizing the Well-Being of Teachers for the Better Educational Achievement of Future Generation
  • How to Integrate Mindfulness and SEL in Entrepreneurship Programs
  • 4 Ideas to Support Students’ and Families’ Well-Being
  • Social and Emotional Competencies and Evaluation: How and Why to Report on Student Development
  • 10 Easy Ways to Create an Amazing Classroom Culture
  • Let’s Think about It!
  • Our Favourites (Apps and Websites)
  • For Teenagers, the Internet Helps during Lockdowns but It’s no Substitute for the Outside World
  • The Final Mark

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Numérique (1 seul lecteur), Papier (1 exemplaire)

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