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How to Integrate Mindfulness and SEL in Entrepreneurship Programs

Here are four ways to support students’ social and emotional well-being during the transition from online to in-person learning—each tied to core SEL competencies from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

This article est réservé aux abonnés de la version numérique du magazine.

4 Ideas to Support Students’ and Families’ Well-being

Here are four ways to support students' social and emotional well-being during the transition from online to in-person learning—each tied to core SEL competencies from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

Social and Emotional Competencies: How and Why to Report on Student Development

While school-age Québecers are showing signs of anxiety and depression, it becomes essential, both for their academic success and for their well-being, to equip them with the tools necessary to ensure good mental health. Thus, developing social-emotional learning (SEL) is increasingly important. While this is the topic of the day in several countries, such as in the United States, there are still many questions about whether our approaches and programs are having the desired effect. If we need to develop these skills in students, how do we evaluate their progress and offer them appropriate interventions?

10 Easy Ways to Create an Amazing Classroom Culture

Simple things can make a significant difference in our classroom environments, yet we should be intentional about them. Every year, we should strive to make it the best year students have, and if we all did this, the school would only progressively get better for our students. Below are some straightforward ideas that can help shape a fantastic year for your students.

Let’s Think About It!

Inspiring quotes suggested by Myra, a primary school teacher. "Have you ever responded sharply to someone for no reason? Or had to take a minute to lock yourself in a quiet place?"

Our Favourites (Explore New Sites and Apps)

Discover or re-discover various apps and sites ideas!

For Teenagers, the Internet Helps during Lockdowns—but It’s No Substitute for the Outside World

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the creation—and evolution—of a new socio-technical environment around the world. Lockdowns across Canada spurred an unprecedented surge in online communication as people moved school, work and social lives online.

The Final Mark

Since 1993, teaching empathy has been an official part of the Danish school curriculum. Every week, students have a one-hour class in which they discuss their problems and look for solutions as a group. They learn to listen, understand and participate without judgment. Two concrete benefits of this program’s implementation is greater respect between the students and less bullying.

Les compétences sociales et émotionnelles : quelles sont-elles?

Bien que les compétences sociales et émotionnelles et leur rôle dans la vie des humains soient reconnus mondialement, il n’en existe pas de définition universellement officielle. Intelligence émotionnelle, compétences psychosociales, habiletés socioaffectives, etc. : elles prennent toutes sortes de noms. Au fil des ans, des constantes sont néanmoins apparues et différents référentiels ont vu le jour.

Le personnel scolaire est-il bien préparé?

Si on reconnaît que ces compétences sociales et émotionnelles sont transversales et intrinsèquement liées aux apprentissages scolaires, force est de constater qu’elles font peu l’objet d’un enseignement explicite à l’école, et ce, même si elles s’enseignent comme les autres matières scolaires (Oliveira et al., 2021; Rimm-Kaufman et Hamre, 2010). Par ailleurs, pour les enseigner et les réinvestir dans les activités scolaires quotidiennes, les enseignants doivent d’abord les avoir développées pour eux-mêmes.
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