L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif

A whole issue about #SEL

(V1-2) Teaching the Development of Social and Emotional Competencies

Vol. 1, issue 2 - Winter 2021-2022

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From the Editor's Desk

Warning: Positive Side Effects Ahead!

When we refer to emotional intelligence, what is meant by the terms “socio-affective skills," “social and emotional competencies," or others? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines these competencies as "a set of abilities that enable everyone to adopt adaptable and positive behaviour to effectively meet the demands of daily life." More specifically, we think of the development of empathy, respect for others, the ability to ask for or offer help, the ability to regulate our own emotions and to discern those of others when dealing with different situations.

Education is increasingly interested in this aspect of human development and the past year has shown us just how important this can be.

This is a particularly large field of research that studies something infinitely complex: human emotions. Although we are now able to read emotions by measuring brain activity, there are no less than 27 emotional states in humans, each with subtle variations.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) appeared in the late 1990s, immersing young people into an environment that promotes social interaction. Several methods can be implemented at school, such as roleplay, artistic activities, sensory stimulation, etc. The use of digital tools also advantageously supports this learning.

As can be read in the article Plaidoyer pour une éducation basée sur l’intelligence émotionnelle by Christophe Haag, a professor and researcher in social psychology at EM Lyon, no less than 213 scientific studies involving 270,034 children from kindergarten to higher education have shown that following a program focussed on developing social-emotional competencies ensures that young people "are much more able than those who have followed a standard school course to regulate their emotions, to know how to take their turns, to manage their anxiety, their stress, and to resolve conflicts by negotiating more subtly and skillfully."

In addition, they are more empathetic, can more easily detect emotions in themselves and in others, and are generally more positive and more respectful. They are also less prone to depression and less aggressive and violent. They commit less delinquency, have more self-confidence, assert their leadership more easily, make responsible decisions more easily without fear of failure, and develop a taste for social justice. They also have better academic results than the average…in short, the positive effects are evident!

Here’s the good news: these competencies can be acquired, taught and evaluated. This is precisely the theme we explore in this issue.

Happy reading!

Audrey Miller

Martine Rioux
Managing Editor

Sources : Haag, C. (2017, 23 juillet). Plaidoyer pour une éducation basée sur l’intelligence émotionnelle. The Conversation.
Labelle, A. (2019, 18 juin). Pas moins de 27 émotions chez l’humain. Radio-Canada.
Minichiello, F. (2017). Compétences socio-émotionnelles : recherches et initiatives Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres, 76 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/ries.6008

December 2021 – Vol. 1 issue 2

Cindy Anderson, Myra Auvergnat-Ringuette, Claire Beaumont, Jason Belzile, Nicolas Bressoud, George Couros, Laurie Couture, Natalie Garcia, Philippe Gay, Vanessa Hanin, Audrey Miller, Tina Montreuil, Alvinie Moodley, Jamie Nunez, Monica Praghamian, Martine Rioux, Shawn Young.

Audrey Miller

Managing Editor
Martine Rioux

Development Director
Stéphanie Dionne

Tracey-Lee Batsford, Audrey Miller

Additional Proofreading
Jody Meacher, Jason Belzile

Graphic Design
Marie-Michèle Bouchard-Roussin, Kate-Lyn Lapointe (EMBLÈME Communication)



Legal Deposit 4th trimester 2021
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Library and Archives Canada
ISSN 2564-2510 (Print)
ISSN 2564-2529 (Online)

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In this issue - Winter 2021-2022

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EngagED Learning Magazine

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Pointe-à-Callière Museum


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References EngagED Learning magazine, Vol. 1 issue 2 (Winter 2021-2022)

A word from US In this article Haag, C. (2017, 23 juillet). Plaidoyer pour une éducation basée sur l’intelligence émotionnelle. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/plaidoyer-pour-une-education-basee-sur-lintelligence-emotionnelle-81235Labelle, A. (2019, 18...

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