L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif


Languages - Page 2

COVID-19 in Plain Language: Why are Schools Closed During the Pandemic?

As part of a series of SCOOP! information capsules on COVID-19, today we address school closures. Currently, half of the students across the world are deprived of their usual education because they do not have access to their school. But why this decision? What does it mean for teenagers who must stay home? SCOOP! has the answers in this video.

Special Feature on COVID-19: How are Vaccines Made?

As part of a series of information capsules SCOOP! on COVID-19, today we address vaccines. Creating a vaccine is a complex process and there can be more than a year between its creation and its distribution to the public. Where are researchers in their quest to stop this pandemic? SCOOP! explains it in video. 

Special Feature on COVID-19: the Quarantine

As part of a series of information capsules on COVID-19, destined to youth aged 8 to 16, today we address the quarantine. Many people across the world find themselves in quarantine for fourteen days. But what does that mean exactly?

The Ins and Outs of the Coronavirus COVID-19 

Last December, in the city of Wuhan, China, a virus usually linked to animals was transmitted to a human for the first time. The coronavirus COVID-19 comes from the same family of viruses that usually affects the respiratory tract. It is in the same family as the common cold, the flu, and other more serious respiratory illnesses. When humans are infected with COVID-19, they experience symptoms such as fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing similar to pneumonia.

  Bushfires in Australia : an Unprecedented Nightmare

In 2019 and 2020, the south of Australia faced wildfires that destroyed everything on their paths. Between September 2019 and January 11, 2020, 28 people have died in those fires and many more have gone missing. According to a study by the University of Sydney, 480 million animals have also perished in these fires.

  John Lennon et Yoko Ono : un « bed-in » pour la paix à Montréal

En 1969, John Lennon et sa femme Yoko Ono décidèrent de rester au lit pendant 8 jours pour protester contre la guerre du Vietnam. Allons voir de plus près comment ce « bed-in » a marqué l’histoire de Montréal et de la conscience collective.