References EngagED Learning magazine, Vol. 1 issue 2 (Winter 2021-2022)

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A word from US

In this article

What Are Social and Emotional Competencies?

In this article

Publications from Conseil supérieur de l’éducation :

Image on page 3: Le bien-être de l’enfant à l’école, Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, 

A complex version of the image is available : ​​ 

Image on page 4: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, What is the CASEL framework?, ​​

Others references

Others references:

Are School Staff Well-prepared to Support the Social-Emotional Learning of Elementary School Students?

In this article

  • Beaumont, C. et Garcia, N. (2020). L’apprentissage socioémotionnel à l’école primaire : compétences attendues des enseignants et formation initiale. Recherches en éducation, 41.
  • Bonvin, P. et Gaudreau, N. (2015). La formation initiale à l’enseignement aux élèves présentant des comportements difficiles : perceptions de futurs enseignants du Québec et de la Suisse. Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 37(3), 481-501.
  • Brindgeland, J., Bruce, M., et Hariharan, A. (2013). The missing piece: A national survey on how social and emotional learning can empower children and transform schools. Washington, Civic Enterprises.
  • Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning/CASEL. (2020). CASEL’s SEL Framework: What Are the Core Competence Areas and Where Are They Promoted?
  • Conseil supérieur de l’éducation. (2020). Le bien-être de l’enfant à l’école : faisons nos devoirs. Avis au ministre de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur.
  • Domitrovich, C. E., Durlak, J. A., Staley, K. C. et Weissberg, R. P. (2017). Social-emotional Competence: An Essential Factor for Promoting Positive Adjustment and Reducing Risk in School Children. Child Development, 88(2), 408-416.
  • Durlak, J. A., Domitrovich, C. E., Weissberg, R. P. et Gulotta, T. P. (2015). Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning: Research and Practice, 1st Edn. Guilford Publications.
  • Gaudreau, N., Royer, É., Beaumont C. et Frenette, E. (2012). Gestion positive des situations de classe : un modèle de formation en cours d’emploi pour aider les enseignants du primaire à prévenir les comportements difficiles des élèves. Enfance en difficulté, 1(1), 85-115. doi : 10.7202/1012124ar
  • Gouvernement du Québec. (2020). Référentiel de compétences professionnelles : profession enseignante.
  • Gouvernement du Québec. (2001). La formation à l’enseignement : orientation et compétences professionnelles.
  • Hymel, S., Low, A., Starosta, L., Gill, R. et Schonert-Reichl, K. (2017). Promoting Mental Well-Being Through Social-Emotional Learning in Schools: Examples from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 36(4), 97-107.
  • Jennings, P. A., Brown, J. L., Frank, J. L., Doyle, S., Oh, Y., Davis, R. et al. (2017). Impacts of the CARE for Teachers Program on Teachers’ Social and Emotional Competence and Classroom Interactions. Educ. Psychol. 109, 1010-1028. doi: 10.1037/edu0000187
  • Oliveira, S., Roberto, M. S., Salgado, N., Marques-Pinto, A. et Veiga, A. M. (2021). Impacts of Social and Emotional Learning Interventions for Teachers on Teachers’ Outcomes: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Front. Psychol.
  • Pelletier, M. A. (2015). La gestion des émotions face aux situations stressantes à l’école : les finissants stagiaires en éducation préscolaire et enseignement primaire se sentent-ils prêts? Éducation et francophonie, 43(2), 201-218.
  • Rimm-Kaufman, S., et Hamre, B. (2010). The role of psychological and developmental science in efforts to improve teacher quality. Teachers College Record, 112, 2988-3023.
  • Schonert-Reichl, K. (2019). Advancements in the Landscape of Social and Emotional Learning and Emerging Topics on the Horizon. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 222-232. doi:10.1080/00461520.2019.1633925
  • Wagner, M., Friend, M., Bursuck, W. D., Kutash, K., Duchnowski, A. J., Sumi, W. C. et Epstein, M. H. (2006). Educating students with emotional disturbances: A national perspective on school programs and services. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 14(1), 12-30.

The (Not-So) Secret Life of Emotions at School

In this article

  • Lamboy, B., Shankland, R., & Williamson, M. O. (2021). Les compétences psychosociales – Manuel de développement. De Boeck. 
  • Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Kotsou, I., & Nélis, D. (2020). Les compétences émotionnelles. Dunod.
  • Shankland, R. et Rosset, E. (2017). Review of Brief School-Based Positive Psychological Interventions: A Taster for Teachers and Educators. Educational Psychology Review, 29(2), 363-392. 9357-3 

Optimizing the Well-being of Teachers  for the Better Educational Achievement of Future Generations

In this article

  • American Federation of Teachers. (2015). Quality of Worklife Survey. 
  • McLean, L., Abry, T., Taylor, M., Jimenez, M. et Granger, K. (2017). Teachers’ Mental Health and Perceptions of School Climate Across the Transition from Training to Teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 65, 230-240.  
  • Montreuil, T., Petit, B., Briaud, M. et Carroll, M.S. (2020). L’importance du bien-être social et émotionnel.  
  • Montreuil, T. (2020a). L’auto-compassion.  
  • Montreuil, T. (2020b). L’importance de la régulation émotionnelle et de la promotion du bien-être psychologique auprès des enseignants. 7e Colloque international en éducation. Montréal, Canada (Avril, 2020). 
  • Steiner, E.D. et Woo, A. (2021). Job-Related Stress Threatens the Teacher Supply: Key Findings from the 2021 State of the U.S. Teacher Survey. RAND Corporation.  

Let’s think about it

In this article

The Final Mark

In this article

Empathy Course Compulsory in Danish Schools

How Can K-12 Students Learn to Regulate Their Emotions?

Réseau EdCan, 

Resources for Social-emotional Learning

LEARN Québec

How can Compassionate Systems Leadership embed SEL and Well-being across an Entire School District?

EdCan Network

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