L'École branchée, un organisme à but non lucratif


Entre information et désinformation : comment démêler le vrai du faux

Faire la part des choses entre information et désinformation ces jours-ci tient presque de l'exploit. Voici un texte sur le sujet et un quiz de compréhension de lecture pour les jeunes du secondaire, en plus d'activités complémentaires proposées aux enseignants.

  The Monarch : a Butterfly to Protect

The monarch is a magnificent black and orange butterfly; actually, it is one of the biggest diurnal butterflies in Canada. You may have seen one before since they fly around houses collecting nectar from flowers. However, if you were born 20 years earlier, you would have seen many more. In 2003, the monarch was already considered an at-risk species, but with a population decline of 90%, it has been an endangered species sin 2016. The climate changes, the use of pesticides and the destruction of its natural habitat lead to its demise.

  Inondations 2020 : qu’en est-il de la situation?

Chaque printemps, les inondations font vivre à plusieurs citoyens des heures angoissantes. Voyons pourquoi ces phénomènes naturels peuvent avoir d’importantes conséquences sur divers aspects de notre société.

  COVID-19 : une histoire de protéines

La Santé publique tente du mieux qu’elle peut de protéger toute la population contre le virus SARS-CoV-2 qui cause la maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19). Cette dernière fait des milliers de victimes sur la planète tous les jours et on se rend compte que s’adapter sanitairement n’est pas simple du tout. Et si on en apprenait davantage sur ce qui se passe dans les cellules de l’humain infecté par la COVID-19?

A Special Feature on COVID- 19: What Can History Teach Us?

As part of a series of SCOOP! on COVID-19, today we address what history can teach us about ways to cope with a pandemic. COVID-19 has been quite active for a few months and leaves its mark all around the globe. Much like the Black Death (a type of plague), the Spanish flu, SARS, the avian flu, or even Ebola, COVID-19 will also make history in its own way. Unfortunately, these diseases are responsible for millions of deaths. They also allow society to make tremendous technological progress, medical advances, and foster human growth. Have we learned from the previous epidemics? Which lessons will we draw from this very exceptional situation which is undergoing at the moment?

  Une question de motivation!

Confinés à la maison à cause de la COVID-19, notre degré de motivation est plus variable que jamais. Pour certains élèves, cette recherche de motivation dans un contexte d'école à la maison est particulièrement ardue, et ce, pour plusieurs raisons internes et externes. Regards sur l'engagement des jeunes à travers cette épreuve inédite.

  Did You Say Eco-Epidemiology?

For many years, environmentalists, scientists, farmers, and other groups have been sounding the alarm. The exchange of germs is becoming more frequent than it was before. They note that every 14 to 16 months, a new infection appears. The conditions for these infections to develop, transmit, and remain active are more and more favourable.

COVID-19 in Plain Language: Your Questions Answered

As part of a series of SCOOP! on COVID-19, today we answer many questions you may have on the changes you have been going through recently. With this short video, and a stack of toilet paper, we know that "we will prevail" and "we will get through this".

COVID-19 in Plain Language: Why Is it So Important to Wash Our Hands?

As part of a series of SCOOP! on COVID-19, today we address the importance of washing our hands. What is all the fuss surrounding hand-washing anyway? We hear everywhere that it is of the upmost importance to wash our hands, and particularly with the pandemic of COVID-19. Do you think you can fall ill by shaking someone’s hand or by touching a door handle? Do you know how to wash your hand efficiently? And how often? SCOOP! has the answers for you.

  In March, Let’s Talk Nutrition!

The month of March is the perfect opportunity to learn about the benefits of healthy eating. In fact, dieticians of Canada are the true nutrition specialists. They have created many tools and initiatives to support and promote the importance and benefits of healthy eating and they are sharing a few with us.